At Broadmayne First School, we believe that regular attendance is crucial for ensuring that our children achieve their full potential. Our aim is to work colloboratively with families to support every child in attending school every day.
Why does attending school every day matter?
Academic Achievement
Consistent Learning: Regular attendance ensures that children engage with the full curriculum, making it easier to keep up with their learning.
Skill Developement:Attending school helps children develop essential skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, as well as critical thinking and problem solving abilities.
Social and Emotional Development
Social Skills:School is a place where children learn to interact with peers, make friends and develop social skills that are crucial for life.
Emotional Growth: Being part of a school community helps children develop confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging.
Future Opportunities
Educational Progress:Good attendance is linked with higher academic performance which opens up more opportunities for future education and career choices.
Life Skills: Regular attendance teaches responsibility and punctuality which are valuable skillsin both personal and professional life.
Wellbeing and Safety
Rountine and Structure: School provides a structured environment that supports children's mental and emotional wellbeing.
Supportive Environment:Our school offer support systems, including teachers and our trained ELSA's who can address any issues pupils may face.
Our school expects our pupils to achieve a minimum standard of 97% attendance (which equates to no more than 6 days of missed education in an academic year). Children are persistently absent when their attendance is less than 90%. As attendace is of high priority, your child's attendance is monitored closely. Should it fall below 97%, we will follow the attendance procedures and guidelines outlined in our school attendance policy (see below).
What affects attendance figures?
Any absence affects attendance. In particular the following count towards absence:
Illness: this is an authorised absence but will still count towards absence figures
Unauthorised absences: this includes children being off school but parents have not let us know why they are not in school. Holidays in term time are also unauthorised absence.
Being late: If children arrive in school after registration has finished, they are classified as late. This would mean an absence of 1/2 day towards attendance figures. Many children also find it difficult being late. It is much harder to walk into a classroom when all children are already settled and part way through their learning.
Absence Procedures
Parents will be required to contact the school office via telephone or email before 9.00am on the first day of their child's absence. They will be expected to provide an explanation for the absence and will be required to call daily for an update until their child returns to school.
Where a pupil is absent, and their parent/carer has not contacted the school by the close of the morning register to report the absence, administrative staff will contact the parent by telephone call as soon as possible on the first day that they do not attend school. If a parent cannot be reached by telephone, the school administrative staff will also try to contact the parent by a text message or email.
The school will always follow up any absences in order to:
Ascertain the reason for absence
Ensure the proper safeguarding action is being taken.
Identify whether the absence is authorised or not
Identify the correct code to use to enter the data onto the school census system.
We are committed to supporting regular school attendance and ensuring that pupils have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. As part of our efforts to promote attendance, we adhere to the local authority's policies regarding Fixed Term Penalty Notices (FTPNs).
What is a Fixed Term Penalty Notice? (FTPNs)
A fixed term penalty notice is a legal measure used to address unauthorised absences from school. It is issued by the local authority when a pupil has multiple instances of unauthorised absence, including holidays taken during term time without approval.
When are Fixed Term Penalty Notices issued?
FTPN's may be issues in the following circumstances:
A pupil has 10 or more sessions (equivalent to 5 school days) of unauthorised absence in a term.
A pupil is absent for a holiday during term time without the headteacher's permission.
Other specific cases of persistent unathorised absence.
How FTPNs Work?
Penalty Amount: The penalty is £60 per parent, per child, if paid within 21 days. The amount increases to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.
Payment: Penalties must be paid directly to the local authority. Failure to pay may result in legal action and a possible fine of up to £2,500, or a community order.
How can you encourage good attendance?
Expect your child to go to school and ensure they know this.
Ask your child about their day and talk about what they might be doing in the future at school.
Be consistent with the school's expectations and messages about school; children need to see that we are together.
Approach the school early rather than later if you have issues with attendance.
We are committed to working together with parents and carers to ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed. If you have concerns about your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can make a significant impact on your child's educational journey.